Child Helpline – 0800 800 8001 (Call is free)

1 in 4 Girls and 1 in 10 Boys will be abused before the age of 18.
We provide a free 24-hour helpline - 0800 800 8001.
If you see something, say something.
Help save a child today by reporting any suspicious activity.

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Child Helpline -

Support Us

With Support From Donors Like You, The Organisation Has Been Able To Impact Over Hundred Thousands Of Lives By Providing A One- Stop Response To Children Who Have Been Sexually Abuse Or Who Are At The Risk Of Being Abused.

The Organisation through its Safe Kids Awareness and Prevention Program have equipped children to keep themselves safe from sexual abuse, and trained adults to prevent and react responsibly to child sexual abuse cases. With your generous support, we can continue our work to protect children from sexual abuse, and to help them overcome abuse.


A. Become a Life Advocate of Prevention

Your monthly recurring donation can help make a difference in someone’s life, provide the sustained resources needed to conducts prevention programs for children and adults to raise the awareness of sexual abuse, and to educate adults on how to protect children from sexual abuse.

When you commit to a monthly gift, you can be assured that your contribution is making a difference. As an Advocate of child sexual abuse prevention, your regular donation helps make our children safe. Monthly giving is the easiest and most efficient way to support the Cece Yara Child Advocacy Centre.

B. Workplace Giving Program

In line with corporate social responsibility and doing business with purpose, organisations and companies are now encouraging their employees to volunteer time and/or donate to not-for-profits organisations within their communities. Does your organization.

You can also donate to our cause through Payroll Deductions which is set up for employees who wish to effortlessly donate to a worthy cause. Kindly ask your Human Resources Personnel if this opportunity exist in your organisation. If you are a Human Resources Personnel and would like to make the Cece Yara Child Advocacy Centre your preferred charity, please contact us at

C. Do your own fundraising

Go the extra mile. You can make a difference in the lives of children we work with by creating your own personal fundraiser and asking your families, professional colleagues and friends to donate to our cause.

Fundraising for the Cece Yara Child Advocacy Centre is an opportunity to sustain our work and have fun while doing it. There are diverse ways you can raise funds to keep our children safe and prevent them from being abused. You can organise events (dinner party, sporting challenges), ask for donations (cash and in-kind), get sponsored for a personal challenge – this will help us continue our work and increase our presence throughout Nigeria If you are interested kindly reach out to us to get started. You can decide to fundraise on your birthday or in honour of friend. Ask friends and family to donate to the Organisation instead of giving you gifts.

D. Give a Gift that will leave a legacy

E. Take part in Cece Yara Event to raise Funds

Are you excited and want to fundraise for us, but don’t know where to start? You can get your friends and families together to register for our events, i.e. Adult Prevention Program, Fundraising events etc.

You can also register for an existing running event such as the Lagos state Marathon Event, ARM Run for Life event or any events of your choice and create your own fundraising page. You can avail yourself of the various opportunities both in Nigeria and outside the country.

F. Are You a Registered Member of The Cece Yara Heroes Club?

We encourage corporate organisations and individuals to become a member of this esteemed group. This group was created to encourage commitments of three consecutive years of giving to allow us to best use your gift for programmatic and organizational needs. As part of our Heroes Club, your commitment of N1,000,000 and above per year for three years will enable us to meet the following critical needs.

The Organisation recognizes members who make annual gifts to for the three-year commitment. Donors who sign up for our Heroes Club before December 31 of each year, will be recognised on our Wall of Fame and social media.

Support Us

To support us, please click on the button below

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You too can support in the fight against Child Sexual Abuse in Nigeria.

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