Child Helpline – 0800 800 8001 (Call is free)

1 in 4 Girls and 1 in 10 Boys will be abused before the age of 18.
We provide a free 24-hour helpline - 0800 800 8001.
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When You Think It Can’t Happen To Your Kids (How Parents Ignore the Signs)

We all want the best for our children, to protect them at all costs from every form of possible harm. It is a natural parental response rooted in love. However, it would be dangerous to ignore the possibility of certain risks to our children. “Child sexual abuse is engaging a child or young person in […]

Minding my business

Yobo’s mum saw Premo coming out of teacher Hayer’s quarters one day. It was a regular occurrence. Yobo’s mum never stopped to ask Premo what she was doing in teacher Hayer’s quarters as Premo and her daugther were age mates and she definitely should not be seen coming out of the quarters unattended to. One […]

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